Friday, July 16, 2010

Our View

Many religions and groups have laid claim to this book. This includes the Brahmins, Jains and Buddhist, the Christians and the Atheist. It is our view that it is from an individual who wanted to express the religious Siddhantha theology of the Tamils. Our claim is by the explanations provided.

The very title of the first chapter dealing with “God” excludes the concepts of Jains and Buddhist, who do not propagate a “God Head” concept. The atheist movement strongly headed by the “Dravida Kazaham” tried to remove this chapter from the book, but strong pressure to keep the book intact was too obstinate.

One of the most respected and revered “Tamil Doctorate, Scholar and Statesman” Mr. Karunaniddhi, a staunch follower of the Dravidian movement, changed the title of the first chapter to “Vazipaddu” having a close meaning to “worship”. The concept tried to introduce was “to worship great learned men”. Yet it was not too successful for in his own interpretation, the word “Eraivan” was used in the explanation of the 5th verse. “Eraivan” means God also.

The concept of reincarnation in the last (10th) verse excludes all claims by any of the western concepts that deal with “heaven & hell.” As for mythological views put forward by the Aryans, that “Thiruvalluvar” was fathered by a Brahmin holds no water. This has been the standard concept by them; that nearly all great Tamil poets and authors were either Brahmins or fathered by Brahmin men. This was pure suppression of the Tamil people and to place themselves as superior over others.

By these very simple arguments, we disagree with the questionable claims, and put forward our explanations for the Siddhantha concept.

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