Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chapter One - Verse seven

The actual verse in the Tamil language

Thamakkuvamai Illathan thaalsaenthar kallaal
manak kavalai maa’tral arithu

Here the verse continues to explain what will be the result of one who has full control over his five senses and is able to hold to them steady fast.

Thamak kuvamai
This word has two words “thamaku” meaning “one self”. This one self usually refers to our own self. The other word “yuvamai” means “comparable”, read together; it means “incomparable to (me) oneself”.

Illa than
The word “illathan” means not having. Thus “thamakkuvamai illathan” means “none is comparable to oneself”.

thaal saenthar
“Thaal” mean feet of the Lord. Thus the above adjective is used to explain one more of God’s character, which means that only “God can say – “none is comparable to me”. “Saenthat” mean to link; to join or to follow.

This means “all” or everybody.

Thus the first sentence can be translated as “All those who join (follow the teachings of) God; who is the “incomparable One”

Now for the second sentence

Manak kavalai
“Manam” means self consciousness. “Kavalai’ means any distress that the mind will have.

This word mans - faltering.

This word means – very rare.

So the second verse means, having a “non faltering self consciousness”.

Thus the whole verse mans, “All those who join (follow the teachings of) God; who is the “incomparable One; will have a non faltering self consciousness” or in short “all those following the characters of God, will have a unfaltering mind”

Significance to the Siddhanta theology

Thirukkural now goes on further to elaborate what will be achieved by the soul that follows the teachings of the scriptures of God by controlling the five senses.

The control of the five senses through meditation is the only way the soul is to become supreme in nature. Here, the supreme is in the removal of karma mentioned and also seeing to that more karma (good or bad) is not added on to it. Thus the soul must also become neutral.

The soul can only become neutral by controlling the five senses and maintain it through out its life. If this is manageable, it will have ever lasting life. Everlasting life referred here means not to reincarnate again.

Thus for a soul not to reincarnate, its self consciousness, must be very clear. Many souls do put up a false impression of serenity to the outside world, but what ever the outside impression, its self consciousness is polluted.

Such a soul cannot be at peace with itself internally. A soul that is not peaceful will not be able to achieve success and elevation in its process of meditation.

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