Friday, July 23, 2010

Chapter Two – Verse one

Vaannindru ulagam vazangi varuthalal
taan’amiztham an’drunarat patru

This is made up of two words, “vaan” meaning rain in this context and “nindru”. The correct explanation of this word is necessary to get a full meaning of the sentence. This word has two meaning “stop” and “presence”. It can also mean continuously. Here the proper interpretation should be “continuously present”. The reason for this explanation is the meaning of the next word “ulagam”.

Although the word means world”, we have explained earlier that in reality the word means “matter, life and mind”. Thus the word “Vaannindru ulagam” has a very significant meaning.

The continuous rain which falls as water is always present in this earth, in all life (plants and animals) and in human beings. Thus the rain is not “lost” but ever present in ponds, streams, rivers, sea and inside the earth. So also water is present in all plants and animals and in humans. Thus water is present everywhere in this world, thus the word “ulagam” and also the word “nindru”

Vazangi varuthalal
Here we have put both the words together as its means “always providing”. Vazangi is providing and varuthalal meaning always.

Thus the first sentence should actually mean “the rain which is continuously being provided is always present in this world” (meaning nature, plants, animals and humans)

Now for the next sentence

“taan” meaning itself (water) and amiztham can mean nectar, ambrosia, essence (meaning the core). The best meaning here will be essence meaning the core of all matter and life.

an’drunarat patru
Here once aging we place both the words together, meaning “to be understood”. Patru being - “to be”.

Thus the whole sentence means, “the rain which is continuous being provided is always present in this world and needs to be understood to being the essence of the whole world”

This is the reason why the Thirukkural cannot be “truly” translated, but has to be explained to bring out its beauty and the choice of word used to explain the concepts and thoughts.

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