Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chapter One - Verse four

The verse in the Tamil language

Veenduthal veendamai elaanadi saertharikku
Yaandum edumbai yela

In this verse, the qualities of God, and the qualities an individual who meditates is explained. In the first verse, the supremacy of God is explained. The second verse explains the creation power of God and the third verse had explained what the soul needs to practice. This forth verse which provides the results of meditation is very simple and straight forward.

This means “wishful wanting.”

This means “not rejecting”

This is a two word phrase of “Ellan” meaning “No having” and “adi” meaning Lords feet. Thus the first sentence must be read as “Not having wishful wanting and not rejecting”. The other word “Adi” must be read with the next word / sentence.

Here, the quality of God of “not having wishful wanting and not rejecting” has very deep meanings. God as such, does not wish anything from anybody. This is one of the qualities of God in the Siddhanta concept, where God is “emotionless”. Similarly, “not rejecting” is explained by as God not excluding, selectively assisting or condemning any souls in entity. Thus God is portrait as a “neutral being”.

The verse also explains the condition of the souls that go into elevated meditation. The souls also become “unemotional and neutral” in their outlook.

This word means “joining or following (the path)”. In this context, the meaning “following the path” is more fitting; and it must be read with the previous word “adi”. So this could mean “following the path of the Lord’s feet”.

Thus the first sentence can be explained as “Following the path of the emotionless and neutral God”

Now for the second sentence

This means “everything or anything”. This “anything” is in reference to physical, emotional and mental” objects.


This is a word used to describe anything unpleasant to the physical, emotional and mental well being. Thus it could be pain and sickness to the body, emotional fear or hatred of our emotion or mental worry or sorrow.

Means “not being attached or affected”

Thus the second sentence needs to be explained as “Not affected by anything unpleasant”.

Thus the whole sentence can be translated as “The one following the path of the emotionless and neutral God; is not affected by anything unpleasant”

Significance to the Siddhanta theology

God is One Who cannot be influenced by our prayers, offerings, and sacrifices and by any other means because God is both emotionless and neutral, not wanting anything from the souls and at the same tine not rejecting any sousl.

The souls by meditation (verse three) need to become also emotionless and neutral in its thoughts and actions. By doing this one escaped from all kinds of pain and sorrow and this is the path of spirituality. Only by following this path, one can obtain the grace of God.

The word”feet of God” is usually used as a reference to obtaining the grace of God.

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