Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chapter One - Verse five

The verse in the Tamil language

Erulsaer yeruvenaiyum seera eraivan
porulsaer pugazpurinthar maatu

In this verse, it explains the benefit an individual (soul) obtains by following the path of God. It also explains further characters of God.

The word “irul” means darkness or more correctly emphasizes the darkness of ignorance. The “saer” means attachment or joining or enveloping. Thus the term is best translated as “enveloped in ignorance”.

The the word “yeru” means double or both. “Venaiyum” means actions. Thus double / both actions means good and bad karma. Thus the word here means both good and bad karma.

The word “sera” means “will not attach”. The first sentence means “Ignorance, good and bad Karma will not attach and envelop an individual”

This means “God’

The word “porul” has many meanings, but in this context, “Qualities” would be the most suitable. “saer” once again means attachment or joining or enveloping. Thus here it could mean “enveloping in God’s qualities”

“Pugaz” means to make good, to follow or becoming famous. In this context in means to follow and “purinthar” is one who understands. Thus the word “pugazpurinthar” can be translated as one who “understands and follows it”.

This means “executing it” or putting it into action.

Thus the second sentence is to be translated as “One who understands God’s qualities and gets himself enveloped in it by following it and putting it into action”.

Thus the whole verse needs to be translated as “One who understands God’s qualities and set an example by putting it into action; ignorance, good and bad karma will not attach and envelope him”

In this verse, further qualities of God are subtly explained and how the soul will benefit if it understands and puts it into practice.

Significance to the Siddhanta theology

In this verse, it is informed that the ignorance surrounding the soul will be removed and in the process, karma will not envelop the soul. Here it is mentioned both good karma and bad karma. The purpose of the soul is not to do good karma, but to escape from reincarnation. For this, it needs to understand what is actually required to escape from reincarnation.

From verse one to verse five, a number of God’s qualities are provided and in this verse two more are provided. God does not have any ignorance and also He is nor affected or does not possess any from of karma.

Free from ignorance means God is aware of what is going around, thus the soul need not worry of its problems. And at the same time because God is neutral and unemotional (non interference) , God is also not going to interfere in the affairs of the soul.

The soul is in full control of every situation if it understands God’s qualities and is able to follow it by putting it to practice.

Thus the soul needs to be meditate (verse 3), understand God is unemotional and neutral (verse 4) and that God does not have any ignorance, thus will not interfere because God cannot be influenced by our prayers, sacrifice or rituals (verse 4) . Only by practicing neutral and unemotional actions, can we escape from sorrow and reincarnation.

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